September 06, 2008

Fashion: Chaos

My experience of the first show of the week was so fantastical! Walking to the Salon I run into Season One winner of Project Runway, Jay McCarroll!! Of course, I had to take a picture with him! I told him I loved his shades and he said I was too cute with my pearls! lol

The Call Time for Abaeté was such beautiful chaos! The make-up and hair room was a world-wind of people. Make-up artists to my left, hair stylists to my right, the design team all in black coordinating the outfits to the front, models chatting, while getting their hair and make-up done, video camera operators and journalists in every direction--I could hardly move!! Being back stage, interviewing hair stylists and make-up artist was a blast. It took about two hours to prepare for the show. Hair and make-up in the back, lighting and music, chair configuration, etc. in the front; it was a great experience, and I can’t believe I have a whole week of this!

1 comment:

diva mom said...

This all seem so exciting, wish I was their.